Saga of the Dominator
Saga of the Grand Dominator (3rd class quest for Overlord)
Start Level: 76
Location: Rune
NPC: Shalana
Type: Change Class Quest
Rewards: Dominator, Secret Book of Giants; 2,299,404 XP; 5 million adena
- The quest starts at lvl 76, in Rune Township. Talk to Rahorakti, the Grand Seer at the Mistics guild.
- He sends you to the Ketra Messenger Wahkan. Wahkan wants
Bitter Cold Vodka , before he gives you the information.
- He tells you that Chef Donath in Hot Springs can make some, but he needs an ice crystal to create it.
- So you will have to make the quest: Finest Ingredients – Part 1
- When you have the
Ice Crystal , return to Chef Donath . He creates you the
Bitter Cold Vodka
- Take it to Wahkan , who gives you the Resonance Amulet #1
- Go to Northern Enchanted Valley, and find the first Tablet Of Vision . Talk to it and it takes your amulet.
- Go to the Valley of Saints and find the second Tablet Of Vision . When you talk to it, nothing Happens. There are Guardins of The Forbidden Knowledge around there. Kill them all and they give you Resonance Amulet #2
- Talk to the Tablet again, now it will communicate with you
- The next Tablet Of Vision is near/in the territory of Ketra Orcs. Find the third tablet there, and talk to it. Overlord Atrus will spawn.
- Finish him, and he gives you Resonance Amulet #3.
- Talk to the Tablet again.
- It sends you to Seer Skahi in the Orc Guild of Goddard
- He gives you the next resonance amulet, IF you get a
Divine Stone Of Wisdom
- To obtain a Divine Stone of Wisdom, you will need level 2 Alliance with Varka Silenos or Ketra Orcs. You have to choose which side to ally with.Alliance with Ketra Orcs
Alliance with Varka Silenos. - If your alliance level is 2 or higher u can take Magical Power of Water/Magical Power of Fire quest from Wahkan/Naran Ashanuk.
- When you have a Divine Stone of Wisdom, return to Skahi in the Orc Guild of Goddard, who gives you Resonance Amulet #4.
- Search the fourth Tablet Of Vision . Talk to it, and it takes your amulet.
- You have to to talk to Skahi in the Orc Guild of Goddard again.
- He tells you that you must kill Archon Of Halisha in order to get the 5th Resonance Amulet.
- You can kill her at Four Sepulchers, but that is not always easy.
Or better you can go to Shrine of Loyalty and kill 700 mob including:
Grave Scarab
Scavenger Scarab
Grave Ant
Scavenger Ant
Shrine Knight
Shrine Guard - Each of them drops one Halisha’s Mark. If u can get a party, it can be finished very fast. When u have 700 Mark, leave the party and kill one mob. Halisha appears. Kill him, and she drops Resonance Amulet #5.
- The fifth Tablet Of Vision is at Wall of Argos. Go and find it. Talk to it and it shows you the location of the last tablet.
- The last Tablet Of Vision is somewhere in Forest Of Death. It isn’t hard to find. If you have found it talk to it. Death Lord Hallate and Flame Successor Akkan will appear.
- Help Akkan and try to kill Hallate. When he disappears talk to Akkan, who gives you Resonance Amulet #6Talk to the last tablet.
- Return to Rahorakti in Rune. Talk to him and end27. You also get as reward 5 000 000 adena , 2299404 exp and
Secret Book Of Giants