The Finest Ingredients
Start Level: 73
Location: Hot Springs
NPC: Ketra’s Messanger Wahkan
Type: Rewards, Repeatable, Party
Rewards Part 1: Different rewards for different lvls of quest, lvl 5 of this quest gives random S grade armor recipe
Rewards Part 2: Random S grade ring recept and 25,000a / S grade earring recept and 65,000a / S grade necklace recept and 25,000a
Part 1
1. Go to Jeremy and accept “The Finest Ingredients – Part 1” quest. He will send you to get him ice crystals for the reciepe.
2. You need to hunt 50 of these mobs:
3. When you have all the quest items: 50 , 50
, 50
go back to Jeremy
4. He is very happy to see you and gives you Ice Crystal and Soy Sauce as reward.
Part 2 (if you need 3rd class change you need only part 1 of this quest – NO need to continue with this part)
1. Jeremy takes the Soy Sauce that he gave you earlier and gives you Food For Bumbalump
2. Take this to the Yeti’s Table and talk to it. Out spawns Icicle Emperor Bumbalump – kill him and his army of ice golem minions.
3. When you return to Jeremy after killing Bumbalump you get as reward Random S grade ring recept and 25,000a / S grade earring recept and 65,000a / S grade necklace recept and 25,000a