Database - Zaken's Pikeman

Zaken's Pikeman

Zaken's Pikeman (43)    

Undead (1)
Called out of their graves by black magic, a curse or the power of an evil mind, most of these creatures lack intelligence and can perform only simple actions. However, some high-ranking undead possess great knowledge and sophistication even when compared to ordinary humanoids.Sacred Attack Weak Point (2)
Vulnerable to sacred attacks.Dark Attack (1)
Unleashes a dark attack.

Exp: 3693, SP: 250
Aggressive: Yes, Herbs: Yes
HP: 1728, P.Atk: 341, M.Atk: 173, RunSpd: 188
Item Name Crystals (Grade) Chance
Adena Adena (486-987) - 70%
Varnish Varnish (1) - 8.64%
Coal Coal (1) - 8.64%
Cokes Cokes (1) - 1.44%
Stone of Purity Stone of Purity (1) - 1 / 174
Plate Boots Design Plate Boots Design (1) - 1 / 178
Mithril Gloves Design Mithril Gloves Design (1) - 1 / 178
Ogre Power Gauntlets Part Ogre Power Gauntlets Part (1) - 1 / 178
Assault Boots Part Assault Boots Part (1) - 1 / 178
Salamander Skin Boot Lining Salamander Skin Boot Lining (1) - 1 / 178
Sage's Worn Gloves Lining Sage's Worn Gloves Lining (1) - 1 / 178
Recipe: Aquastone Necklace Recipe: Aquastone Necklace (1) - 1 / 239
Recipe: Crystallized Ice Bow Recipe: Crystallized Ice Bow (1) - 1 / 2,646
Recipe: Spiritshot (C) Compressed Package (100%) Recipe: Spiritshot (C) Compressed Package (100%) (1) - 1 / 3,460
Mithril Gloves Mithril Gloves (1) 177 D 1 / 9,615
Plate Boots Plate Boots (1) 177 D 1 / 9,615
Ogre Power Gauntlets Ogre Power Gauntlets (1) 177 D 1 / 9,615
Salamander Skin Boots Salamander Skin Boots (1) 177 D 1 / 9,615
Sage's Worn Gloves Sage's Worn Gloves (1) 177 D 1 / 9,615
Assault Boots Assault Boots (1) 177 D 1 / 9,615

Elven Earring Beads Elven Earring Beads (1) - 12.5%
Recipe: Oriharukon Recipe: Oriharukon (1) - 8.3333%
Recipe: Metal Hardener (100%) Recipe: Metal Hardener (100%) (1) - 8.3333%