Database - Formor


Formor (45)     Formor location on the map Location

Beasts (3)
They are animals who prey on humanoids for food. Some of them are mythological creatures that existed before the origins of humanity.

Exp: 2945, SP: 205
Aggressive: No, Herbs: Yes
HP: 1870, P.Atk: 377, M.Atk: 188, RunSpd: 188
Item Name Crystals (Grade) Chance
Adena Adena (388-788) - 70%
Thread Thread (1) - 12.98%
Stem Stem (1) - 12.98%
Varnish Varnish (1) - 6.49%
Suede Suede (1) - 4.33%
Silver Nugget Silver Nugget (1) - 2.6%
Recipe: Stiletto Recipe: Stiletto (1) - 1 / 4,405
Recipe: Elven Bow of Nobility Recipe: Elven Bow of Nobility (1) - 1 / 4,405
Heavy Doom Axe Blade Heavy Doom Axe Blade (1) - 1 / 4,484
Heavy Doom Hammer Head Heavy Doom Hammer Head (1) - 1 / 4,484
Skull Graver Head Skull Graver Head (1) - 1 / 4,545
Silver Axe Head Silver Axe Head (1) - 1 / 4,545
Big Hammer Head Big Hammer Head (1) - 1 / 4,545
Battle Axe Head Battle Axe Head (1) - 1 / 4,545
Crystal Staff Head Crystal Staff Head (1) - 1 / 4,878
Stick of Faith Shaft Stick of Faith Shaft (1) - 1 / 4,878
Silver Axe Silver Axe (1) 916 C 1 / 333,333
Stick of Faith Stick of Faith (1) 916 C 1 / 333,333
Skull Graver Skull Graver (1) 916 C 1 / 333,333
Heavy Doom Hammer Heavy Doom Hammer (1) 916 C 1 / 333,333
Heavy Doom Axe Heavy Doom Axe (1) 916 C 1 / 333,333
Crystal Staff Crystal Staff (1) 916 C 1 / 333,333
Big Hammer Big Hammer (1) 916 C 1 / 333,333
Battle Axe Battle Axe (1) 916 C 1 / 333,333

Cord Cord (1) - 50%
Moonstone Earring Wire Moonstone Earring Wire (1) - 9.0909%
Mithril Shirt Fabric Mithril Shirt Fabric (1) - 3.0303%